I have been in Uganda for about two months now and have had the privilege of visiting over 1000 students and over 40 schools. During all of these schools visits I have seen joyful students excited to learn about agriculture. I have heard many stories of students who have taken what they have learned back home. To help their own family or to implement their own agriculture program. I wrote a poem to better express what I have seen during these visits:
The Future
Student after student
Face after face
A joy so bright
That it filled the whole place
Lessons learned every day
Teachers show their students grace
Its easy to see
How great a place
It is to learn
And find their way
A way to change the future
Even their life today
By taking what they learn
And not letting it stay
Just inside their heads
But letting it change
the world around them
knowing that agriculture
will never be the same
Student after student
Face after face
The future of agriculture
Here in this place
By: Lindsey Thompson, Fellow 2022