Alix Ambriz is a Field of Hope Volunteer. This is her story.
“Two things that can always be shared are God’s love and the fruits (and vegetables and proteins) of His creation.”
Alix is a curriculum development specialist for Vivayic. Alix and her husband Andrew chose to volunteer with FOH to launch an agricultural curriculum project with partner schools in Uganda. Alix said it was important to connect with the teachers and learners that her curriculum would eventually impact. “We wanted to dig beside them—in the same dirt they do—and hear their stories,” she said. “We wanted to see for ourselves how the work FOH is doing is truly empowering Ugandans to maximize their potential with the resources they have available.”
Alix personifies what it means to be an FOH volunteer. In this image, she found real connection and inspiration. “I talked with three boys in the school garden at Otino Waa Children’s Village. I’ve spent my entire life working with farmers who are passionate about providing food for the world, but I have never heard one speak with as much excitement as these three student farmers,” she said. “They shared with me how many gallons per hour their drip irrigation provides to their garden and the change in yield they’ve observed.”
Volunteers like Alix serve and grow with FOH in Uganda, India, and the USA. Those volunteers impact farmers, widows, orphans and others, but volunteers often find new impact and meaning in their own lives as well. Take it from Alix: “I returned to the US and made a commitment to be intentional in sitting with God and listening as He shared what He’s calling us to do.”
Join us as we answer those calls.
This is Alix’s story. What will yours be?
PC: Tobin Redwine