Vicky Amongi is a treasurer of Ayabi Women’s Farmers Cooperative Society Limited in the Apac District. Vicky is a smallholder farmer, and joined the group in 2015. For the past six years, she has been a partner of Field of Hope.
Before joining the group, Vicky said she, “was lacking skills and knowledge in good agronomic practices as a farmer. I used to broadcast my seeds in the field, use local seeds varieties, prepare the garden only once and my yield, thus experiencing hunger and very low income to support my family. In addition accessing loans to buy inputs and venturing in to businesses was very hard because of no formed saving (VSLA) group to get the loan from.”
As a result of Field of Hope intervention, she joined the group and received different trainings – including good agronomic practices such as proper land preparation, row planting, crop management practices, post-harvest handling practices, village savings and loans association (VSLA), financial literacy, and animal management practices. With the trainings she received, Vicky said she is empowered to carry out several businesses and a piggery production through the loans from her saving group. Additionally, the construction of her home was paused due to financial means, but because of her successes, she has been able to continue.
“My future plans and goals is to continue being in the group until the day God calls me and leave one of my children to be in the group also so that they are empowered just like am being empowered in the group to improve my livelihoods,” Vicky said.
In her concluding remark, she thanks Field of Hope for empowering her. She requests Field of Hope continues visiting and guiding her and her village, as well as providing increased trainings where they may be lacking. “May the Almighty God bless Field of Hope abundantly,” Vicky said.
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